
Koh Samed Transportation

How to go to Koh Samed and get around the island

Information of Koh Samed Transportation

For the information about Koh Samed Transportation, there are three parts as follows:
- Transportation to Ban Phe
- Take a ferry boat from Ban Phe to Koh Samed Island
- Travel around Koh Samed

Each part will provide available choices, which visitors will have to take one that is suitable for them. Let's see the detail of each part.

1. Transportation to Ban Phe (Piers to Koh Samed are located here)


From Bangkok, in order to get to Koh Samed, visitors have to go to Ban Phe (Rayong Province) first. It is not difficult because visitors can take a public bus, a mini bus (van), or drive their own car.

By Bus

Those who would like to take a public bus can take an air-conditioned bus at Eastern Bus Terminal (Ekkamai). There are buses from Cherd Chai Tour Company ready to service you.

The bus route is Bangkok-Ban Phe. The location to get off the bus is just opposite to Nual Thip Pier, which visitors can just walk across the street to get a ferry boat to Koh Samed.

* Visitors can buy a one-way ticket or round-trip ticket for the bus (round-trip ticket is a little cheaper, compared to two one-way tickets, and visitors do not have to specify the date to come back in advance).

Ticket Price: approx. 155 Baht (one-way) / approx. 293 Baht (Round Trip)
  • Departure Time (From Bangkok): 07.00 – 18.30 (bus departs every hour, in general)
  • Departure Time (From Ban Phe): 05.00 – 18.00 (bus departs every hour, in general)
Telephone (Bangkok): +66(0)2-391-2237
Telephone (Banphe): +66(0)38-651-1508

Note that, Ticket Price can be changed any time, please check with the bus company again.

By Mini Bus (Van)

Mini Bus (Van) is another choice to get to Ban Phe. Most of Thai residents choose this option because it easily to take one. But, it might not easy and comfortable enough for foreigners.

There are three major van stations in Victory Monument, Bangkok, to Ban Phe:

- near Phong Lee Restaurant.
- near Ratchwitee Hospital
- near Century Department Store

Ticket Price is about 160 - 200 Baht / person

It could take time approximately 3 -3.30 hours (Vans usually depart every 40 minutes)

2.Take a ferry boat to Koh Samed


After arriving at Ban Phe, visitors need to take a boat to Koh Samed Island. There are two choices of boat for visitors to choose – ferry boat and speed boat. Well, it is depending on how fast visitors would like to get to the island.

By Ferry Boat
Note: Although there are several piers providing ferry boats to Koh Samed, Nual Thip Pier is the most popular, and it is also convenient for visitors to walk to pier as well (in the case that visitors come to Ban Phe by Bus). When Nual Thip Pier is more popular, it means that the ferry boat will also depart quickly. Boat providers often wait for getting a number of visitors before departing the ferry boat.

To get to Koh Samed by ferry boat is cheap and convenient. There are usually two floors on the boat, and there are also life jackets provided on the boat. The ferry boat, in general, departs every hours, from 08.00 – 18.00. On weekend or holidays, the boats tend to departs faster, though.

  • Transportation time to Koh Samed:: 30 - 40 minutes.
Telephone (Nual Thip Pier):
+66(0)83-354-5622, +66(0)38-651-508
Telephone (Phe Pier):
+66(0)38-896-155-6, +66(0)86-394-6765
Telephone (Chok Kritsada Pier):
+66(0)38-652-040, +66(0)89-749-7093
Telephone (Municipality Pier):
+66(0)83-354-5622, +66(0)38-651-508
Telephone (Sri Ban Phe):
+66(0)38-651-901, +66(0)38-653-135
Information about Boat Ticket

Before taking any ferry boats to Koh Samed, please have a look at the ticket information below.

Types of Ferry Tickets

For taking a ferry to Koh Samed Island, there are two types of tickets:

  • One-way ticket (At the return trip, visitors can choose other ferry providers)
  • Round-trip ticket (have to choose the same provider, by using the ticket at the return trip)
Ticket Price

Price for transferring to Koh Samed can be varied, depending on how far you get off.

  • Nadan Pier: 50 Baht (one-way) /100 Baht (Round-trip)
  • Ao Vongduan: 70 Baht (one-way) /140 Baht (Round-trip)
* Those who buy round-trip ticket for Nadan Pier can also use the way-back ticket at Ao Vongduan, but need to pay for another 20 Baht.

In short, visitor can choose one-way or round-trip ticket to travel to Koh Samed (Though, ferry providers would like visitors to buy the round-trip one).

Nevertheless, currently Nual Thip Pier sells one-way ticket for 70 Baht and round-trip ticket for 100 Baht. In this case, to buy the round-trip one is more valuable. As Nual Thip Pier is popular, visitors do not have to wait for a long time on the way back anyway.

Information of Ferry Departure Time

Generally, ferry boat will depart from Ban Phe to Nadan Pier or Ao Vongduan Beach. In the case of Nadan Pier, the ferry boat depart every hour, while the other one, the boat departs two / three times a day.

Departure time to Nadan Pier
  • For Nadan Pier, ferry boats depart every hour either to Koh Samed or from Koh Samed.
  • Time: 09.00 - 19.00
  • The last ferry boat from Ban Phe to Koh Samed:
    • Chok Kritsada Pier: 17.00
    • Nual Thip Pier: 18.00
    • Phe Pier: 19.00

In the case of Nual Thip Pier, after the last ferry at 18.00, there are speed boats ready to transfer visitors to Koh Samed. Visitors need to pay for about 250 - 300 Baht, but if there are not many visitors would like to join the boat, the price can become higher.

Departure time to Ao Vongduan Beach
  • There are ferries departing from Ban Phe to Ao Vongduan, two or three times a day (Not every hour).
  • Ferry by Vongduan Resort
    • From Ban Phe: 10.00 / 13.30 (At Municipality Pier)
    • From Vongduan Beach: 08.30 / 11.30 (at Vongduan Beach)
  • Ferry by Malibu Resort
    • From Ban Phe: 09.30 / 13.30 (At Phe Pier)
    • From Vongduan Beach: 08.30 / 12.00 / 16.00 (at Vongduan Beach)
By Speed Boat
If there is no pier at the beach that visitors get off, the boat will let visitors get off into shallow seawater (foot and knee will get wet). This is because the boat cannot reach the sand. However, the beaches that have a pier, such as Ao Cho Beach, Ao Lung Dam Beam, Ao Klang Beach, speed boats can send visitors off on the pier

Speed boat is suitable for visitors that would like to quickly transfer from Ban Phe to Koh Samed Island. This type of boat is available at almost every pier. The time spending on the boat will just be approximately 15 minutes, and the boat can also send visitors directly to the beach they want.

There are two choices for taking a speed boat to Koh Samed:

  • Join Group is the choice that visitors share a speed boat with other people. The price for this choice is much cheaper, about 200 Baht/person to Sai Kaew Beach and 300 Baht/person to Vongduan Beach. For those who buy a round-trip ticket, the price will become more valuable (Sai Kaew Beach for 350 Baht/ person, for example).
  • Private Boat is the choice that a number of visitors come together (5-10 persons) and would like to take a speed boat to Koh Samed as soon as possible. In this case, this group of visitors has to directly negotiate with a speed boat provider for its price, and the speed boat can depart any time.
Before jumping of the boat into the water, visitors should take off their own sandals first. This is because many sandals of visitors are broken while walking in the sea water. Though, visitors can buy a new sandal on the island.
Recommendation about transferring boat
  • Only buy a boat ticket at the ticket counter, not from someone walking on the street. Otherwise, visitors might pay for the ticket more than they should.
  • Ferry boat will suit this kind of visitors: those who would like to patiently transfer to Koh Samed, those who come with kids, those who easily to get seasick, those who would like to pay less for the ticket.
  • A large group of visitors can choose to take a speed boat, if they would like to get to Koh Samed Island quickly.
  • Visitors can buy either one-way ticket or round-trip ticket. For round-trip ticket, visitors can come back any day, without specify the date to come back in advance.
  • Whenever visitors feel suspicious about the ticket price or pier service, please ask them directly by giving a call.
  • Those who would like to go to Sai Kaew Beach, Ao Phai Beach, Ao Tubtim Beach, Ao Nual Beach, or Ao Noina Beach, should take a ferry boat to Nadan Pier. Except visitors would like to take a speed boat.
  • Those who would like to go to Ao Vongduan Beach, Ao Cho Beach, Ao Sangthian Beach, or Ao Lung Dam Beach, should take a ferry to Vong Duan Beach. Except visitors would like to take a speed boat.

3.Get around Koh Samed


In the present, getting around Koh Samed Island has not been difficult anymore, since the main road has developed completely. Visitors do not have to struggle with a diet road as the past.

Furthermore, it is not difficult for visitors to find a bus (Baht Bus / Songthaew) on the island. When getting off a ferry at Nadan Pier, visitors can find a bus just next to the pier (rental motorcycle also near the pier gate). For other places on the island, visitors might have to walk for about 100-300 meters to find a Songthaew.

Those who have memory of Koh Samed as a place to ride an exciting vehicle, ATV, will have to forget it now. ATV is not available on the island anymore, because it is too powerful for many visitors to control, and it is a major cause of accidents on the island. Besides, main road on the island is good enough to make motorbike popular and no need to take an ATV as a decade ago.

With unavailability of ATV car, Bicycles and Golf Club Cars become more popular for those who can't ride a motorbike.

Most visitors may have known that Sai Kaew Beach is the most popular beach on the island. Some of them may also have heard that Sai Kaew Beach is not so far from Nada Pier. Well, it is actually true, just about 700 - 800 meters far away, but with a language, a large backpack, or hot temperature day, it might not be a good choice to walk to Sai Kaew Beach. The recommendation here will be to take a Songthaew next to the pier, just 20 Baht to Sai Kaew Beach.
Price List at Ao Prao Beach Station
At almost every Songthaew station on Koh Samed, there is a price list to show how much for a destination visitor would like to go, for both price/person and price for hire privately.

Note that, Songthaew station is not available at every beach. In the case that visitors need to take a Songthaew, please ask the resort to contact one.

By Songthaew

On Koh Samed Island, transporting by Songthaew is a safe and inexpensive choice (except visitors would like to stop ove many places, in that case rental motorbike would be more cost effective).

The price of transporting by Songthaew is depending on how far visitors go. Usually, visitor will join other people on the same bus, which mean that Songthaew will wait until the number of people are enough to go.

Though, visitor can hire a Songthaew to go with them as a private group, but they will likely have to pay more than shared with other people.

Songthaew is a transport vehicle in green color.

Although, there is a Songthaew Station nearby, almost every beach, visitors might have to walk for 100 -300 meters to get to the station, depending on the beach.

Songthaew Station on Koh Samed Island
- Songthaew Station at Nadan Pier (next to the pier)
- Songthaew Station at Sai Kaew Beach (next to National Park Gate, entrance-fee point)
- Songthaew Station at Sai Kaew Beach Resort (in front of resort lobby)
- Songthaew Station at Ao Tubtim Beach (in front of Tubtim resort)
- Songthaew Station at Ao Vongduan Beach (in small Soi next to 108 Shop, this station is also near Ao Cho Beach)
- Songthaew Station at Ao Wai Beach (next to the resort entrance)
- Songthaew Station at Ao Prao Beach (in front of the resort entrance)
- Songthaew Station at Ao Klang Beach (in front of pier at the beach)
By Motorbike

Renting a motor bike to get around the island is popular for both Thai and foreign visitors. This is because the renting price is not expensive and visitors can get around easily to the farthest point of the island. Besides, there are a number of one-person or a couple visitors to come by Koh Samed, and motorbike is suitable to them to go to places. Note, there is no motorbike taxi on Koh Samed island.

Rental Motorbike can be found at Nada Pier and Popular Beaches – Sai Kaew Beach, Ao Phai Beach, Ao Vongduan Beach, Ao Prao. Price for renting a motorbike is slightly varied by shops on the island. Basically, visitors can rent a bike for 300 Baht, but the farther the motorbike-rental shops are located, the higher the price seems to be. Those, who stay at a place that cannot find any rental motorbike, can ask the resort to find one for them (visitor might, in this case, have to pay for service charge a little though).

  • Renting a motorbike for one day generally means that visitor can have it for 24 hours. For example, start at 13.00 today, end 13.00 tomorrow. Though, visitor should ask the bike provider for what they have to pay if they return the motorbike late.
  • For renting a motorbike, visitors need to deposit their passport to the provider. (Visitors will get back when returning the bike)
  • If visitors do not bring passport with them, they can deposit 1,000 Baht for renting a bike instead (Visitors will get back when returning the bike).
  • Visitors should remember phone number of the shop they rent a bike. It will be very helpful when they have a problem with the bike.
Large road bumps throuhtout the main road

* As main road of the island is not large, visitors need to be careful at any turning point. This is because visitors might encounter a truck at that area sometimes. Besides, on weekend or holidays, there will be a lot of bikes and Songthaew (Baht Buses) in the same road.

** Although the main road of the island has been completely developed, roads to most beaches are still dirt way. Visitors should also carefully ride at that area to the beach. Road bumps throughout the main road are also another thing that visitors should pay attention on.

By Golf Club Car
Price for renting a golf club car is noticeably higher than renting a motorbike. The renting price is about 1,500 Baht a day. Though, it can take up to 3-4 persons on the car, which is more than motorbike as well.

Golf club car is an interestingly alternative choice of rental vehicle, as driving golf club car is safer and easier than riding a motorcycle. It is suitable for those who have no experience about riding a bike before.

Although golf club car is not as powerful as ATV car, it can still be able to take a small group of visitors to the farthest point of the island. There is also a roof on the golf club car, so that visitors do not have to help protect UV light (not completely protect but better than nothing).

  • For renting a golf club car, visitors have to deposit passport as same as renting a motorbike.
  • There are still not many golf club cars available on the island, so visitors who would like to rent this type of car should have a second plan in the case of its unavailability.
By Bicycle

Currently, riding bicycle becomes up-trend in Thailand. A lot of people are interested in this type of vehicle more and more. Perhaps, it is seen as a healthy activity.

However, to ride a bicycle on Koh Samed is like suitable just for sport men/women and those who are looking for challenging activity. When riding a bicycle from Sai Kaew Beach to the farthest point of the island, visitors will have to pass many steep hills, which could make them give up before reaching the destination.

The price of renting bicycle is about 200 Baht per 24 hours as other rental vehicles on the island. There are two types of rental bicycles - large wheel bicycles and normal bicycles. For large wheel bicycles, it can move on the sand easier than the other one.

  • For renting a bicycle, visitors have to deposit passport as same as renting a motorbike.
  • There are still not many rental bicycles available on the island, so visitors who would like to get a bicycle on the island should have a second plan in the case of its unavailability.
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